Virginia Factory Direct Trailers for Sale

Can’t make the drive to South Georgia? Collins Custom Cargo Trailer offers same day delivery to your area. To figure delivery go to maps and enter the zip code 31535 and then your zip code. Take the miles and multiply by $2 per loaded mile or one way to figure delivery price.

Consistently delivering trailers to these cities:

Virginia Beach
Newport News

Save Time and Money When Working With Experienced Sales Professional’s

Call the experts when it comes to enclosed trailers. We will first find out what kind of enclosed trailer or other type of trailer you are needing then we will email you a proposal. Once agreeing on the trailer quote and sometimes sketches the customer will then need to sign off on the proposal and if any sketches so we can go ahead and get the build started with a 10% deposit on most cargo trailers. We need 50% up front on concession trailers.